Shafiq Law Chamber

Our specialised team has the skill and experience to provide a range of services. The utmost care is taken with all our work. The main streams of work we perform are as follows:

Civil Corporate:

Civil Corporate Law in Pakistan refers to the body of legal rules and regulations that govern the formation, operation, and dissolution of corporate entities. It includes the laws related to the incorporation of companies, the duties and liabilities of directors and officers, the rights of shareholders, the management and administration of corporate affairs, and the procedures for mergers, acquisitions, and liquidations of companies.

The Companies Act, 2017 is the principal law governing corporate entities in Pakistan, along with other relevant laws and regulations. Civil Corporate Law in Pakistan is designed to provide a legal framework that facilitates the growth and development of businesses while protecting the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders.

Civial Corpoerate image

Criminal Law:

Criminal law in Pakistan is the set of rules and regulations that define criminal offenses and their punishments. It includes the procedures and mechanisms for investigating, prosecuting, and punishing individuals accused of committing criminal acts. The criminal justice system in Pakistan is based on the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) and the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC), which provide the legal framework for criminal proceedings.

The PPC specifies the types of crimes and their respective punishments, while the CrPC sets out the procedures for conducting trials and appeals in criminal cases. Criminal offenses in Pakistan can range from minor offenses to serious crimes such as murder, terrorism, and drug trafficking, and may be punishable by fines, imprisonment, or even death penalty.

Criminal Law

Civil Law:

Civil law is a legal system based on written laws, codes, and statutes that define legal rights, obligations, and disputes between individuals or organizations. Civil law covers a wide range of legal issues, including contracts, property, family law, torts (civil wrongs), and personal injury. In a civil case, the plaintiff seeks compensation or some other legal remedy from the defendant, rather than criminal punishment. The goal of civil law is to resolve disputes and provide a fair and equitable resolution for all parties involved.

Civil law

Family law:

Family law refers to the area of law that deals with legal matters related to family relationships, such as marriage, divorce, child custody, adoption, and domestic abuse.

The family law in Pakistan is mainly governed by the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961, which applies to Muslims in matters of marriage, divorce, maintenance, and inheritance. It provides guidelines for the formation and dissolution of marriages, as well as the rights and obligations of spouses. The law also recognizes polygamy, but subject to certain conditions. Additionally, there are other family laws in Pakistan that apply to non-Muslims, such as the Christian Marriage Act, 1872, and the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. These laws provide for the regulation of marriage, divorce, and related matters for non-Muslims.

Family law

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